Qingfeng Lan
I’m on the job market and actively looking for a Research Scientist position starting in Summer 2025! Feel free to reach out!
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Research Interest: Reinforcement Learning, Large Language Model with Reasoning and Planning, Continual Learning, Meta-Learning, Embodied Agent.
I’m a final year PhD Student at the University of Alberta, advised by Prof. A. Rupam Mahmood.
My long-term research objective is developing an intelligent agent that is able to extract, accumulate, and exploit knowledge continually and efficiently in real world.
In particular, my PhD research focuses on designing efficient reinforcement learning algorithms by reducing forgetting and maintaining plasticity.
I have also worked on meta-learning, exploration, language modeling, and quantum reinforcement learning.
Recently, I’ve been interested in large language models and embodied agents.
- 2024.11: I start an internship at Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, working on LLM × RL.
- 2024.08: After many years of hard work, the “loss of plasticity” work is finally accepted by Nature! Kudos to all co-authors!
- 2024.06: I start an internship at Meta Reality Lab. See you in California!
- 2024.05: Three papers are accepted by Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC) 2024.
- 2024.01: One paper is accepted by International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024.
- 2024.11 - Present: Research Intern, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, Edmonton, Canada.
- 2024.06 - 2024.10: Research Intern, Meta Reality Lab, California, USA.
- 2022.07 - 2023.01: Research Intern, Sea AI Lab, Singapore.
- 2022.01 - 2022.06: Research Intern, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, Edmonton, Canada.
- Email: qlan3 [AT] ualberta [DOT] ca
- WeChat/微信: Lancelqf
Loss of Plasticity in Deep Continual Learning
Shibhansh Dohare, J. Fernando Hernandez-Garcia, Qingfeng Lan, Parash Rahman, A. Rupam Mahmood, Richard S. Sutton
Nature 2024, Article. [paper] [code] [podcast] [news] -
Learning to Optimize for Reinforcement Learning
Qingfeng Lan, A. Rupam Mahmood, Shuicheng Yan, Zhongwen Xu
RLC 2024, Oral. [paper] [code] -
Weight Clipping for Deep Continual and Reinforcement Learning
Mohamed Elsayed, Qingfeng Lan, Clare Lyle, A. Rupam Mahmood
RLC 2024, Oral. [paper] [code] -
More Efficient Randomized Exploration for Reinforcement Learning via Approximate Sampling
Haque Ishfaq, Yixin Tan, Yu Yang, Qingfeng Lan, Jianfeng Lu, A. Rupam Mahmood, Doina Precup, Pan Xu
RLC 2024, Oral. [paper] [code] -
Provable and Practical: Efficient Exploration in Reinforcement Learning via Langevin Monte Carlo
Haque Ishfaq*, Qingfeng Lan*, Pan Xu, A. Rupam Mahmood, Doina Precup, Anima Anandkumar, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli
ICLR 2024, Poster. [paper] [code] -
Elephant Neural Networks: Born to Be a Continual Learner
Qingfeng Lan, A. Rupam Mahmood
ICML Workshop on High-dimensional Learning Dynamics 2023, Poster. [paper] -
Overcoming Policy Collapse in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Shibhansh Dohare, Qingfeng Lan, A. Rupam Mahmood
EWRL 2023. [paper] -
Memory-efficient Reinforcement Learning with Value-based Knowledge Consolidation
Qingfeng Lan, Yangchen Pan, Jun Luo, A. Rupam Mahmood
TMLR 2023, CoLLAs certification. [paper] [code] -
Model-free Policy Learning with Reward Gradients
Qingfeng Lan, Samuele Tosatto, Homayoon Farrahi, A. Rupam Mahmood
AISTATS 2022, Poster. [paper] [code] -
Variational Quantum Soft Actor-Critic
Qingfeng Lan
arXiv preprint 2021. [paper] [code] -
Predictive Representation Learning for Language Modeling
Qingfeng Lan, Luke Kumar, Martha White, Alona Fyshe
arXiv preprint 2021. [paper] -
Maxmin Q-learning: Controlling the Estimation Bias of Q-learning
Qingfeng Lan, Yangchen Pan, Alona Fyshe, Martha White
ICLR 2020, Poster. [paper] [code] [video] -
Reducing Selection Bias in Counterfactual Reasoning for Individual Treatment Effects Estimation
Zichen Zhang, Qingfeng Lan, Lei Ding, Yue Wang, Negar Hassanpour, Russell Greiner
NeurIPS Workshop on Causal Machine Learning 2019, Poster Spotlight. [paper] -
A Deep Top-K Relevance Matching Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval
Zhou Yang, Qingfeng Lan, Jiafeng Guo, Yixing Fan, Xiaofei Zhu, Yanyan Lan and Yue Wang, Xueqi Cheng
CCIR 2018, Best Paper Award Candidate. [paper] [code]
Open-Source Code
- Jaxplorer: A Jax reinforcement learning framework for exploring new ideas.
- Optim4RL: A Jax framework of learning to optimize for reinforcement learning.
- Explorer: A PyTorch reinforcement learning framework for exploring new ideas.
- Gym Games: A collection of Gymnasium compatible games for reinforcement learning.
- Quantum Explorer: A quantum reinforcement learning framework based on PyTorch and PennyLane.
- Loss of Plasticity: The implementation of continual backpropagation which maintains network plasticity.
University of Alberta, Sep 2020-Present
- Doctor of Philosophy in Computing Science
- Supervisor: A. Rupam Mahmood
University of Alberta, Sep 2018-Aug 2020
- Master of Science (Thesis-based) in Computing Science
- Supervisor: Alona Fyshe
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sep 2014-July 2018
- Bachelor of Engineering, major in Computer Science and Technology, minor in Physics
- Supervisor: Yanyan Lan; Tutor: Guojie Li
St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, Oct 2017-Mar 2018
- Visiting Student in the Department of Computer Science
- Tutor: Leslie Ann Goldberg